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Game artist & Graphic Designer

Internship projects 2019
These projects were created during my study at the Grafisch Lyceum in Rotterdam.
La Carte Internet is a online shop for baby cards and marriage ivitations. Here I worked to design these cards for 5 months. I printed them, worked with different materials and talked with clients to discuss their desired design and awnsered questions.

These baby cards were all made with Photoshop and through a special design the animations could be added automatically though the company's system.
As for the marriage invitation cards. I had a bit more freedom in these designs.
Only the text needed to be as standard as possible.

The structure/design of these cards were made in Indesign and the illustrations were made in Photoshop.
At the end of the internship I made a few other designs that were not published or used eventually. But they were also works I am really proud of.

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